Hotel Edoya: A Good Place to Stay in Tokyo for Solo Travelers
June 21, 2023I had a great experience with Hotel Edoya
When I got the news that I won a ticket for SEVENTEEN's Love Fanmeeting in Tokyo Day 2, I immediately researched for a place to stay. There are three things that I was looking for with my accommodation: near the venue (Tokyo Dome), cheap, and has a private bathroom. Hotel Edoya has those three.
I booked it through and I'm so glad that I was able to book it early because a few days later everything was already booked.
In this blog, I'll be sharing to you the pros and cons staying here in Hotel Edoya.
Pros of staying in Hotel Edoya
It is one station away from Tokyo Dome
When I was searching it on Google maps, I honestly thought that it will take me about an hour to go to Tokyo Dome from the hotel. But when I was in Tokyo already, I was shocked that it was only one train station away. In fact, if I had more time, I would have probably just walked from Tokyo Dome to my hotel since it's less than 2km away.
It's spacious yet budget-friendly
Don't mind the mess lol
For a solo traveler like me, I was actually looking for just a capsule hotel since it's cheap and I barely stay inside the hotel. But when I compared the price from the capsule hotel and with this solo room in Hotel Edoya, there's only a few difference. That's why I decided to go with Hotel Edoya.
It was really spacious especially if you're alone. Well, even if there's two of you, it will still be spacious.
It has complete amenities
Just like normal hotels, Hotel Edoya also has towels, shampoo, conditioner, soap, hair dryer, and more. The bed, as you may have seen in the photo above, is also comfortable. I am used to with sleeping in the floor that's why I didn't have any hard time sleeping there. There was also an aircon, a TV, a small refrigerator.
It has a complimentary breakfast
Although I'll be honest, I wasn't able to eat any breakfast from the hotel because I always leave early in the morning. So, I had no time to eat breakfast. But the good thing here is that, they give you vouchers wherein you can use it to eat the breakfast offered by the hotel.
The staff are very friendly
Although some of them do not speak in English, they are still very helpful and respectful to you. They will try their best to explain everything and help you. They always greet you too whenever they see you.
Cons of staying in Hotel Edoya
The hotel is located at the top
Yes. It's near the train stations. BUT, you have to walk a steep path in order to go to the hotel from the train station. It was already a bit tiring to walk without any luggage, but imagine walking with a big luggage? I was literally out of breath. I even tried the less steeper path but still tiring.
So, they highly suggest that instead of walking, take a taxi to the hotel. But since I'm on a budget, I decided to just walk.
The comfort room is small
For a small and thin person to say that something is small means it is really small. If I had a hard time with the comfort room, what more the other people bigger than me? Although I have read in some blogs that Japan's comfort rooms are really small but I didn't expect it to be this small.
The good thing though is that the comfort room is different from the bathroom where you can take a shower. That one is a bit spacious.
Overall comment
Overall, I still think this place is a good one especially for solo travelers on a budget. Aside from the room being spacious, you can also experience the Japanese style hotel without paying much. Actually, I think I got more than what I actually paid for. Comparing it with the hotels here in the Philippines, I believe this is cheaper with all the things offered by this hotel.
If given the chance to go back to Tokyo, I will definitely consider staying at this hotel again. Although I'm still open to staying on a capsule hotel, and a hotel near Minato City because I really loved that place.
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