How to buy K-POP tickets in Japan
June 05, 2023It's just a matter of how determined you are
At first, I was really intimidated about Japan's ticketing system when it comes to K-Pop concerts. In Japan, the ticketing is purely lottery. It's not like how the usual ticketing (like in PH and Bangkok) wherein we queue then choose our seats.
I wouldn't really mind it being lottery since I'll just leave it up to fate. But the main problem is applying for the lottery. That's what makes this ticketing system hard. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I don't try in Japan.
But because of SEVENTEEN, I tried and eventually got it!
Although I can't fully explain the whole process, since I also asked help from someone, I'll try to explain what I did to get a ticket in Tokyo.
Buying K-Pop tickets in Japan
Getting a Japan fanclub membership
For this whole blog, I'll be using my experience with SEVENTEEN's Love Fanmeeting in Tokyo. Note: My experience may be different from others because they might have a outlet. But the only thing I'm sure is the ticketing is in lottery style.
Usually, Japan fanclub membership is different from the global membership. It means, it's a different payment. In order to have a Japan fanclub membership, you need to have a Japanese number and Japan address. This is when you need help from people you know (or even some assistance on Twitter).
If you have a friend in Japan, you can ask them if they can lend you their phone number and address. But if you don't know someone in Japan, then look for ticketing assistance on Twitter. There are a lot actually. They just have different rates with their phone number and address rentals.
Once you have secured a Japan number and address, you can now register to the website for the membership - in my case, SEVENTEEN's Japan website. You can try doing this on your own and rely on Google Translate for the translations since everything is in Japanese.
Aside from the Japan number and address, you will also need a Katakana and Hiragana version of your name. There are actually a lot of converter online so you can use it if you don't have a friend to help you. Once you have filled out all the needed information and has paid for the membership, then you can now proceed with the next step.
Applying in the lottery
The dates for the application of the lottery can be found on the website or SNS of the group. In my case, I applied early March 2023, during the first lottery reception. The result came out in the third week of March through email, and also through the link where you applied the lottery.
Depending on the event, you can actually apply for a maximum of two tickets per ticket tier per day. In SEVENTEEN, there are two ticket tiers - the premium seat and the reserved seat. You can apply two tickets per seat but for the premium seat the other ticket holder must also have a Japan fanclub membership.
In my case, I applied for both premium seats and reserved seats in Osaka, and Reserved seat for Day 1 in Tokyo and Premium Seat for Day 2 in Tokyo. The reason why I wasn't able to apply for the other seats in Tokyo is because the phone number that I rented was also rented by another Carat. Meaning, she already has applied for the tickets that I wasn't able to apply. That's why you have to make sure that your number is unique if you want to apply to all seats and stops.
But still, I was so happy that I got premium seat for Day 2 in Tokyo.
During the application, make sure that the name, number, and address is the same as the one in your membership or else your application will be forfeited. After applying, you just have to wait for the email if you got a slot or not.
Paying for your ticket
If you fortunately got a ticket, you have to pay for your ticket on the dates mentioned. If you weren't able to pay for it on time, the ticket will be forfeited and based from some rumors, it may even be hard for you to win a slot next time.
During the first lottery, I got a ticket and the only option was to pay it at Lawson in Japan. So, I really need someone to pay it for me since I am not in Japan. Good thing, the one who helped me with my membership also helped me paying for it. So, she was the one who went to Lawson and paid for it. During the third lottery I guess, credit cards were allowed. So, it really depends. You have to check the posts of the artists' main account.
On the email that you got when you won the ticket, there will be a QR code. It will just be scanned in the Loppi machine, then a receipt will come out, then you just need to show it to the cashier and pay for it. Now, the ticket is reserved.
Claiming the ticket
I claimed my ticket, two days before the event. It was actually easy. You just need to scan the QR code from the email you received on the Loppi machine. Then it will release a receipt and bring that receipt to the counter. The Lawson staff will then give you your ticket. That's how fast it is.
Your name (in Japanese) is also written there at the bottom left.
Just a note with your name, you can actually type your English name using a converter online. You can't just type your English name with a normal keyboard. You must type it in a Japanese keyboard with alphabet. I hope what I'm saying makes sense. That's what my friend did that's why her name is in English when printed in the ticket.
But in my case, I just used my Japanese name since that's what I used with the membership and lottery.
So, that's how I got my ticket in Japan. I'm not quite sure if I have explained it well. But if you have any questions, feel free to comment on this blog or DM me on my Instagram @annyeongruth. I'll try to answer your questions.
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