It has been days since I received my grades for my Korean class. With me being busy with my thesis (and prioritizing it above anything else), I didn’t even imagine that I would still get that kind of grade.
Last 2016, I studied Basic Korean at Korean Cultural Center in the Philippines or much known as KCC. I was actually planning to continue it to the next level. Unfortunately, my school schedule won’t match the class schedules of KCC. So I have to wait.
Just this September, I have finally enrolled into Korean Elementary 1 at KCC. I thought I won’t be too busy since I only have two subjects - my thesis and one major elective subject. What I didn’t expect was that my thesis will consume all my time so I wasn’t able to study well for my Korean class.
But anyway, I’ll first tell you on how to enroll at KCC.
Before you get to enroll physically at KCC, you need to reserve your slot online.
They usually post updates regarding their classes on their SNS accounts. So make sure to like their page (or even click the See First button) to be updated to them.

This was the schedule they posted for the 3rd term 2018. So choose the time slot that fits for you.

You can enroll at Elem 1 even if you have not taken Basic Korean. But if you honestly have no idea with the Korean language, like its letters or how it is read, I suggest that you take Basic Korean first to give you a more detailed background about it.
Recently, they have been using google forms for the online registration. And the links for those forms will be posted on their page.
Usually there is a 10-minute gap per class. Here is the sample guide:

Once the link is out, let the hunger games begin. Usually, it takes less than a minute for the slots to be taken.
Prepare the following details so that you’ll just input everything on the blanks - email address, student’s name, age, and contact number
To know if you have successfully taken a slot, check your email and you will receive something like this:

But having a slot online doesn’t mean you’re enrolled. You still need to go to KCC to bring the forms needed and also pay for the fee.
You can see the forms at their website. Just download, print and fill out the form and bring it on the enrollment day.
After completing all these, you’re now ready for the start of your Korean class journey.
The fun part in studying at KCC is you get to meet new people who have different reasons for studying the language. Some because they are fans of kpop or kdrama, some for work, while others just want to learn a new language.
Each language class consists of 25 students. You will learn more about the class rules and regulations when you attend the orientation.
The language class has two books - the workbook and the language book itself. It also has a CD with it which made studying even fun.

The whole term will take about 12-13 weeks.
Since I am already at my Elementary 1, in order to move to the next level, I have to pass my Korean exam which is composed of Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.
My 선생님 during my Elem 1 happened to be my 선생님 during my Basic class so I am a bit comfortable with her. She is 김소영 선생님 (Teacher Kim So Young).
I was actually cofident with my reading and writing skills. I was a bit afraid with Speaking since I have no one to practice with. For listening, I always watch Korean dramas and variety shows so that I will be a little bit familiar to what they are talking about.

After the 13 weeks of studying, the final exam came. It was actually like 20 points each part. You have to at least reach 60% on all parts and have an average of at least 70% to pass the exam.
I believe I did well at writing and reading. And I did pretty much okay with speaking. But here comes listening... the audio was not that audible. So after the listening part, my whole soul broke down.
Even if I did well on the other parts, if I fail one part of the exam, I’ll still fail my whole class. So I was actually devastated after the exam. But still, I was hoping to pass it.
Graduation came but still the grades are not out. You can attend the graduation to get your certificate of participation. As long as you have no more than 5 abscenses, you’ll have the certificate.
Days after the graduation, you will receive an email from KCC where your grades, along with the whole class’ grades, will be posted.
Don’t worry. Your name won’t be posted there instead it will be your student number.
I was actually afraid to click the email. But I have to face my fears.
AND FREAKING YEEEEESSSS! I PASSED! With an average score of 84.6.
Here is my grade 😭

I told you I did well in my writing and reading test. The speaking was a bit meh. And look at the listening part.. 65! At least I passed all parts! And now I can move on to Elem 2!
I just hope my schedule will permit me to study Elem 2 next term. If you have more questions, you can comment your questions and I try to answer it all.
감사합니다 김소영 선생님. 그리고 친구들 감사해요. 수고했어요! 또 만나요!
Last 2016, I studied Basic Korean at Korean Cultural Center in the Philippines or much known as KCC. I was actually planning to continue it to the next level. Unfortunately, my school schedule won’t match the class schedules of KCC. So I have to wait.
Just this September, I have finally enrolled into Korean Elementary 1 at KCC. I thought I won’t be too busy since I only have two subjects - my thesis and one major elective subject. What I didn’t expect was that my thesis will consume all my time so I wasn’t able to study well for my Korean class.
But anyway, I’ll first tell you on how to enroll at KCC.
Before you get to enroll physically at KCC, you need to reserve your slot online.
Visit their Facebook page: Korean Cultural Center in the Philippines -
They usually post updates regarding their classes on their SNS accounts. So make sure to like their page (or even click the See First button) to be updated to them.
Check the class schedule
This was the schedule they posted for the 3rd term 2018. So choose the time slot that fits for you.
You can enroll at Elem 1 even if you have not taken Basic Korean. But if you honestly have no idea with the Korean language, like its letters or how it is read, I suggest that you take Basic Korean first to give you a more detailed background about it.
Check the specific online registration time
Recently, they have been using google forms for the online registration. And the links for those forms will be posted on their page.
Usually there is a 10-minute gap per class. Here is the sample guide:
Make sure to be online early on the registration date
Once the link is out, let the hunger games begin. Usually, it takes less than a minute for the slots to be taken.
Prepare the following details so that you’ll just input everything on the blanks - email address, student’s name, age, and contact number
To know if you have successfully taken a slot, check your email and you will receive something like this:
Physical Enrollment
But having a slot online doesn’t mean you’re enrolled. You still need to go to KCC to bring the forms needed and also pay for the fee.
You can see the forms at their website. Just download, print and fill out the form and bring it on the enrollment day.
After completing all these, you’re now ready for the start of your Korean class journey.
The fun part in studying at KCC is you get to meet new people who have different reasons for studying the language. Some because they are fans of kpop or kdrama, some for work, while others just want to learn a new language.
Each language class consists of 25 students. You will learn more about the class rules and regulations when you attend the orientation.
The language class has two books - the workbook and the language book itself. It also has a CD with it which made studying even fun.
The whole term will take about 12-13 weeks.
Since I am already at my Elementary 1, in order to move to the next level, I have to pass my Korean exam which is composed of Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.
My 선생님 during my Elem 1 happened to be my 선생님 during my Basic class so I am a bit comfortable with her. She is 김소영 선생님 (Teacher Kim So Young).
I was actually cofident with my reading and writing skills. I was a bit afraid with Speaking since I have no one to practice with. For listening, I always watch Korean dramas and variety shows so that I will be a little bit familiar to what they are talking about.
After the 13 weeks of studying, the final exam came. It was actually like 20 points each part. You have to at least reach 60% on all parts and have an average of at least 70% to pass the exam.
I believe I did well at writing and reading. And I did pretty much okay with speaking. But here comes listening... the audio was not that audible. So after the listening part, my whole soul broke down.
Even if I did well on the other parts, if I fail one part of the exam, I’ll still fail my whole class. So I was actually devastated after the exam. But still, I was hoping to pass it.
Graduation came but still the grades are not out. You can attend the graduation to get your certificate of participation. As long as you have no more than 5 abscenses, you’ll have the certificate.
Days after the graduation, you will receive an email from KCC where your grades, along with the whole class’ grades, will be posted.
Don’t worry. Your name won’t be posted there instead it will be your student number.
I was actually afraid to click the email. But I have to face my fears.
AND FREAKING YEEEEESSSS! I PASSED! With an average score of 84.6.
Here is my grade 😭
I told you I did well in my writing and reading test. The speaking was a bit meh. And look at the listening part.. 65! At least I passed all parts! And now I can move on to Elem 2!
I just hope my schedule will permit me to study Elem 2 next term. If you have more questions, you can comment your questions and I try to answer it all.
감사합니다 김소영 선생님. 그리고 친구들 감사해요. 수고했어요! 또 만나요!